Friday, November 16, 2007


My name is Noah Thorne. I live in Southern California and studied drawing and painting at the Laguna College of Art and Design. Currently I am inspired to paint the historical area's in Southern California. The Crystal Cove bungalow's have been a popular subject for Plein Air painters for decades. Painting the delapidated cottages makes for great imagery. Feelings of pride and tradition fill my mind being on location recreating these beach scenes. The history that crystal cove has as an artist muse is rightly appreciated.
Oil on Panel
The Collection of Linda and Jack Cross

1 comment:

Sonja said...

Hi Noah....thought I'd check up on you to see what you are up to these days. A few years ago, my friends and I were walking on the beach and watched you painting this old cottage on the beach. I took some photos of you and sent them to you. Glad to hear you've settled in Portland. We plan to visit there in late Oct. We'll have to see if we can look up your shop. I still enjoy your paintings. Nice work! Sonja Thiel